Final Project Idea

28 Mar 2024

Study Spaces Project


Gabriel White, Dmitry Gordeev, Adriel White, Timothy Lum, Adam Bell, Brandon Nakata


The problem: Students need study spaces, or want to try studying at a different place around campus.

The solution: Create a website for all study spaces on UH Campus and list the resources of the study space. The resources listed by tags.

Mockup page ideas


Use case ideas

Whether or not the following bullet points list all pages or not, the completed use case should show an end-to-end scenario of using the system.

Beyond the basics

The website will save the information of study places with a Card and store the image. The site will also hold a label which the search can recognize to help user's navigate a space.

The website will have a request form part which can only be viewed by admin.

Another method besides having admin implement study spaces is to allow user's to add their own study spaces.